San Bruno Chinese Church



God placed us in San Bruno to be His Light


We thank God for the blessing to have served Him in the south of San Francisco area for over 30 years, and we invite you to join us for Sunday worship and Sunday School.

Then Jesus declared,“ I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35 (NIV)

Thank you for visiting us. We hope you will be drawn to the person this is all about: Jesus!

It is our hope that you come to know Jesus as Savior and God. We invite you to join us in our journey to follow Him each and every day and to become more and more like Him in our words and actions. This is our greatest adventure!

If you have not yet become a follower of Jesus, please see “We have Good News for you!” and then come to talk with us. We would love to share with you more about how much knowing Jesus has made a difference in us!

Pastor Jonathan



Sunday Service

English Worship at 9:30am
Chinese Worship at 11:00am

We look forward to worshiping 
with you! If you cannot meet in-person, please join us online on YouTube at “SBCC English Worship”.


Children's Worship

Children in grades K-5 are invited to worship together every Sunday morning at 9:30am in Room 103.
Contact the Church Office
for more information.

Prayer Meeting E

Weekly Prayer Meeting

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.”

Join us for our weekly 
Prayer Meeting via Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm
as we seek God’s face.

Contact Pastor Jonathan for meeting information.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jesus commands us to ask for the Holy Spirit. In the book of Proverbs, the Spirit is pictured as a woman named wisdom.

Read James 1:2-8 slowly and prayerfully.


Sunday School

Classes for all ages! Find the class that’s right for you and join us as we draw closer to Jesus through studying the Bible and encouraging one another. Classes begin at 11:00 am.


Bible Study Fellowship

The mission of Bible Study Fellowship is global, in-depth Bible classes producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word, and His Church. Our vision is to magnify God and mature His people as they cultivate a deeper relationship with Him.

Join us on Sundays, 11:00am, in-person and online, as we study the Book of Revelation.
Contact the Church Office for more information.


Choir Rehearsal

We would like to thank the choir for leading us in our worships. If you would like to serve in the music ministry, you may join the choir for rehearsals on Sunday mornings at 8:15 am.

Chinese class clipart

Chinese School

September 7, 2024 – May 17, 2025
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

For children ages 5-10
Registration fee: $10/class

Click here to register.


9:30 AM

Click Image for Webcast



Giving Cheerfully is an Act of Worship

Online Banking

You can use the “Bill Pay” feature of your online banking to send checks automatically to SBCC.
It is easy and there is no additional cost to you or SBCC. You can contact your bank and SBCC treasurer for details.

Online Giving

SBCC has partnered with, a secure platform to provide the online offering feature for churches. It is easy and secure for you to give to SBCC using Credit/Debit Cards, ACH(aka eCheck) and American Express.
You can give a one-time contribution, and/or recurring offering.

You can choose to cover the transaction fee, or opt out by unchecking “Cover Fees”.
Fees per entry:
Credit/Debit Cards (2.9% + $0.30)
ACH aka eCheck (1% + $0.30)
American Express (3.5% + $0.30)

Mail in your offerings

Make checks payable to:
San Bruno Chinese Church

Mail to:
San Bruno Chinese Church
250 Courtland Drive
San Bruno, CA 94066