All VBS volunteers are invited to join us Saturday, July 17, 11:00 am over Zoom as we continue to prepare for VBS 2021! There are still many ways you can join in, so pick up an application today!
King David had his Mighty Men to fight the battles alongside of him. We too can grow strong with the prayer and encouragement of one another. Men all ages, join us for our initial gathering on Monday, July 5, 9:00 am @ Jack’s Restaurant across the street from Tanforan. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan to reserve your place!
All VBS volunteers are invited to join us this Saturday, June 26, 11:00am over Zoom as we learn about this year’s theme and share our favorite VBS memories. There will be exciting activities, cool music, and awesome fellowship! Turn in your volunteer application today and help us make VBS 2021 an amazing adventure!
We would like to congratulate all our graduates for their achievements in learning! If you or a family member is graduating or if you are able to help out with the celebration, please contact Pastor Jonathan.