San Bruno Chinese Church

SBCC Reopening Plan

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Regarding the plan for Church reopening, the Session resolves to hold the first in person Good Friday Service on 4/2 (Combined at 8 pm) and Easter Sunday on 4/4 (English at 9:30 am and Chinese at 11:00 am). This Sunday worship schedule and arrangement will continue in order to meet the restrictions for reopening imposed by the Health Official.  You are invited to pre-register by calling and leaving a message (with your name, phone number, number of persons and time of worship) on phone number (650) 589-9760 or email to For worship services after Easter, pre-register the week before each Sunday Service.  
You will continue to receive separate links in the email for English and Chinese Worship live streaming.  It is intended for those who are not ready to return in person, to join and participate in the worship.
We earnestly look forward to worshiping with you in the near future.
SBCC Church Reopening Plan
After more than 12 months of Shelter in Place, we are excited to let you know that by God’s grace, the Church is getting ready to reopen and welcome you back starting with Good Friday (4/2) and Easter Sunday (4/4). We are still in the process of planning out a new schedule and possible arrangement to meet the restrictions imposed by San Mateo County under the Orange Tier (Moderate) for reopening.  It is always our goal to provide a safe environment against the spread of COVID-19, while we slowly resume our worship and activities.  We have some guidelines to share with you below:
Church Initial Reopening Plan
1.​We are allowed to have 50% of our capacity (about 90 total).  However, our sanctuary can only sit 33 in order to meet the 6 ft. social distancing requirement. Congregants are therefore required to pre-register before returning to Church. A pre-registration would help the Church to prepare for your return and for tracing purposes if there is a case of COVID-19 being detected. The pre-registration can be done by phone (650) 589-9760 or email to the week before each Sunday Service.  
2.​The Church will continue to broadcast the Sunday worship (English and Chinese) via live streaming and conduct other activities via Zoom meetings, as an alternative for those who are not ready to return in person.
3.​The Church will implement all protocols to sanitize the facilities before and after Sunday services, maintaining social distancing and use of face masks while you are at Church.
4.​The Church has temporarily removed and suspended the use of hymnals, bibles, bulletin and non-essential furnitures.
We earnestly look forward to having you back in the near future and will update you once we have the new schedule of worship set.
San Bruno Chinese Church Session

Church Pilot Reopening

Since our previous correspondence on 6/27/2020, we have been making good progress towards our goal to return to gathering in person. That includes completing all the necessary sanitation of the facility, physical setup, posting of signs, and repeatedly testing out our live streaming capability of Sunday Worship.  All these help to provide a safe environment for reopening and remedy for those who are not ready to return in person.
We are taking prudent steps to reopen, starting with an online Sunday service with a small pilot group (including staff and worship leaders by invitation only).  These “pilot openings” will continue for a period of time, for the Church to test and evaluate this new normal. Keep in mind that these steps towards full capacity in person Sunday worship are subject to change as we continue to monitor the information and directives given by the San Mateo County and California Public Health Officials.
Whilst the Church will continue to update you on our reopening status, please continue to pray, be a partner and communicate your concerns with us.  We trust in the LORD who is faithful and He will carry us through this storm of our lives.

Church Reopening Plan

After more than 3 months of Shelter in Place, we are excited to let you know that by God’s grace, we are almost ready for the Church reopening and welcome you back in the near future (in compliance with the San Mateo County Public Health directives dated June 17, 2020).  It is always our goal to provide a safe campus to protect the staff and members against the spread of COVID-19, while we slowly resume our worship and activities. We have some guidelines to share with you below.  Prayerfully these guidelines can help and assure you that it is reasonably safe for most of you to return to church.

  1. Attendance is limited to 45 at any time, that is 25% of Church allowed capacity of 181. Sanctuary can sit 33 in order to meet the 6 ft. social distancing requirement. Three congregations will meet at the same time, between 10 and 11 am, in 3 separate locations:  English (Social Hall), Chinese (Sanctuary) and Mandarin (Chapel).
  1. The Church will continue to broadcast the Sunday worship via live streaming and conduct other activities via Zoom meetings, as an alternative for those who are not ready to return in person.
  1. The Church encourages congregants over the age 50 to stay home and children to remain in the care of those within their household, during the initial phase of reopening.
  1. The Church will sanitize all surfaces, pews, equipment, floors etc. before and after Sunday services.
  1. The Church has posted signs regarding social distancing, use of masks, sanitation requirements, and people should refrain from attending if early signs of COVID-19 are detected.
  1. The Church has set up control for flow of foot traffic and sitting arrangements, in order to meet the social distancing requirement.
  1. The Church has temporarily removed and suspended the use of hymnals, bibles, bulletin and non-essential furnitures.
  1. The Church will train volunteers, including ushers, audio/video technicians and staff to administer the measures.
  1. The Church will prepare and implement protocols, when a staff member or congregant becomes sick and exhibits symptoms of COVID-19.
  1. Congregants are required to pre-register before returning to Church, in order to limit the number of attendees in the initial phases of reopening. A pre-registration would help the Church to prepare for your return and for tracing purposes if there is a case of COVID-19 being detected among our staff or congregation.
  1. Congregants are required to wear masks or face coverings inside the Church building. Other measures including frequent hand washing (sanitation), 6 feet social distancing and minimal physical contact with persons outside your household are encouraged

We earnestly look forward to having you back in the near future and will update you once we have the date of reopening set.

Since our previous correspondence on 6/27/2020, we have been making good progress towards our goal to return to gathering in person. That includes completing all the necessary sanitation of the facility, physical setup, posting of signs, and repeatedly testing out our live streaming capability of Sunday Worship.  All these help to provide a safe environment for reopening and remedy for those who are not ready to return in person.
We are taking prudent steps to reopen, starting with an online Sunday service with a small pilot group (including staff and worship leaders by invitation only).  These “pilot openings” will continue for a period of time, for the Church to test and evaluate this new normal. Keep in mind that these steps towards full capacity in person Sunday worship are subject to change as we continue to monitor the information and directives given by the San Mateo County and California Public Health Officials.
Whilst the Church will continue to update you on our reopening status, please continue to pray, be a partner and communicate your concerns with us.  We trust in the LORD who is faithful and He will carry us through this storm of our lives.